With the tragic death of her teenage son, Claire O'Neal lost more than Nathan — she lost her direction. Now, three years after his death, her life remains flat and hopeless. But with the unexpected discovery of a forgotten letter, written by the wife of the man who received Nathan's heart, Claire feels as if she has been given a chance to connect again with her son.
According to the letter, Mason McKinnon is a talented violinist and happily married. Perhaps, if she could meet him, Nathan's death would finally have some meaning. But when she finds Mason, he is playing piano in a seedy bar, a cynical, chain-smoking man, down on his luck and in no mood for Claire.
What has happened to him in the years since his wife wrote to Claire? How dare he abuse the precious gift given to him by Claire's son? Saving a man who has lost his family, his illustrious career and his will to live is no easy task, but Claire is driven with a purpose that borders obsession. And as two lost, lonely people learn to find hope once again, they grow to understand that life's most beautiful music still comes straight from the heart.